
Evaluation of brain function NeuroCatch ®

Surrey Neuroplasticity Clinic is proud to be the first in Canada to offer the NeuroCatch® Platform as a brain function assessment tool for clients.


About NeuroCatch ® Brain Function Assessments

El NeuroCatch ® Platform is an objective system, rapid neurophysiological brain function assessment that is authorized by Health Canada as a class II medical device. It's easy to use, cost-effective and easily accessible for healthcare professionals, researchers and performance specialists in Canada, EE. UU. And beyond.


what to expect?

The NeuroCatch ® platform is designed for healthcare professionals to measure the cognitive function of their clients' brains.. The results of the scan provide your doctor with objective measures of specific brain functions. These measures can be used to help identify areas for improvement., personalize your treatment plan or path to recovery and to understand how your brain works today.

NeuroCatch® perform a quick scan 6 minutes to measure and report on cognitive brain function. Produces a report immediately after the scan to display information about three different brain responses , also known as event-related potentials (ERP) . The ERPs are called ABC of NeuroCatch®: an auditory sensation; B attention ASIC; C ognitive processing. These cognitive measures can be measured over time, with the NeuroCatch ® reports that provides a summary of up to 10 most recent scans for the same client.